Due to the wide spread of novel coronavirus around the world, the entrance ceremony scheduled on April 2, 2020 has been canceled. The following messages from GES faculty members are for students who are entering in April.
研究科委員長より / Message from the Dean
地球環境学研究科 研究科委員長 織朱實
Dear new students,
Welcome to Sophia University! It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GES) from this April. We are so sorry that we cannot congratulate you face-to-face due to the spread of the novel coronavirus around the world.
We think the postponement of first day of classes unexpectedly offer you important period and how to spend the period will determine your life as a graduate student.
How to respond to new risks such as the coronavirus is a common challenge to respond global environmental issues. We would like you to use the period to explore, from various perspectives, what kind of knowledge is needed to tackle the challenges that have major impacts on our unpredictable society and economy. Once school starts, it's hard to have enough time of your own to think thoroughly, even if you want to do so. Please use the period wisely and effectively and spend the time fruitfully.
Our faculty members are here to support you. I am looking forward to seeing you all in good spirits in May.
Akemi Ori
Dean, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies
Sumiko ANNO / 安納住子
興味のある学術雑誌(参考 :https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/)を読んで下さい。GIS、Pythonに関する専門書を読んで下さい。
詳しい情報をご希望の方は、メール (genv-co@sophia.ac.jp)にて連絡ください。
We are delighted to welcome new students and share meaningful time. Also, I am happy if I can help you in achieving your career goals.
【About the assignment】
Please be prepared for the following things before class starts.
Read academic journals you are interested in. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/)
Read technical books on GIS and Python.
If you would like more information, please contact me by email (genv-co@sophia.ac.jp).
Keiko HIRAO / 平尾桂子
コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため、入学式もオリエンテーションも中止を余儀なくされました。新学期の開始時期も5月下旬に延期されました。西暦がキリストの生誕前後でBC(Before Christ)とAD(Anno Domini)に分けて時を刻んできたように、私たちの生活もBC(Before Corona)とAC(After Corona)で分断され、ほんの数ヶ月前には想像だにしなかった世界を生きることになりました。
ウィリアム・H・マクニール. 2007. 『疫病と世界史』 中央公論新社.
加藤茂孝. 2018. 『新たな恐怖に備える』 丸善出版.
To Our New Students
Congratulations, and welcome to Sophia University!
We have to wait a while to greet you in the “real” 3D world, but I am very much excited to be able to learn with you for the coming two years.
The pandemic changed everything: the way we work, the way we learn, and the way we relate to our loved ones. Just like the Gregorian Calendar, the calendar most widely used in the world demarks the time between BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini= in the year of the Lord), our life has changed from what we had in BC (Before Corona) to what is waiting for us in AC (After Corona).
It is undoubtedly frustrating to stay home and observe social distancing rules. The fact that we know very little about this virus is frightening as well. If we accept this unknown, however, the time we have now can be regarded as a wonderful opportunity for learning.
Let me give you some examples. Shakespeare wrote some of his best poems while he was quarantined because of the plague. The theaters were closed and could not perform his works, but he used his time to develop his new talent as a poet. Newton, while he was undistinguished at that time, developed his theories on calculus, optics, and the law of gravitation while he was spending two years at home because Cambridge was closed down because of the plague. It was made possible because he was able to have a quiet time of his own freed from the work he was committed at Cambridge
Shakespeare and Newton, at that time, are we in the present time. So why don’t we make good use of the window of time given to us as we witness the history being made?
So I would like to suggest you read some history books.
My recommendation is for the history of medicine, particularly of infectious diseases. It will teach us how our species, homo sapience, has been plagued with bacterium, pathogens, and viruses: smallpox, measles, typhoid, cholera、tetanus, tuberculosis, leprosy, to name a few. History also tells us how vulnerable we are to these natural enemies. Remember, it is only in the 20 century that we have discovered anti-biotics! So, enjoy reading.
Please take care, wash your hands, and we will see you in class!
Guangwei HUANG / 黄光偉
To New Comers
At this very difficult time, you came to Sophia. All of you could not start your study as planned. Some of you may even encounter financial difficulty.
This pandemic is not just a test to individual immunity, but also a test to the spirit of helping and caring for each other. It is even a test to societal immunity against panic, disorder and losing humanity.
No matter what will happen in days to come, we must stay united and act strongly but calmly. No doubt that the day we can start lectures and academic activities without a mask will come.
My research field is integrated watershed science and management. If you are interested in this subject, please feel free to contact me by email. I will email back with some reading materials.
God bless you
Naomi INOUE / 井上直己
ご入学おめでとうございます! 地球環境学研究科へようこそ!皆さんと共に新しい大学生活を迎えることを心待ちにしておりましたが、新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大に伴い、学期の開始が遅れてしまっていることはとても残念に思います。しかし、この世界的な危機は、まさに気候変動などの地球環境危機に対応するため、特に、行政や政策が何ができるかを考察するために、重要な手がかりを与えてくれるものだと考えます。
その考察の前提として、気候危機を始めとした地球環境危機の状況、それが社会経済の存立基盤を如何に脅かすかを示す「プラネタリーバウンダリー」の概念、その危機を回避するために社会経済システムの根本的転換が求められていることなどについて、最新の科学的知見も取り入れて理解を深める必要があります。そのために私が強くお勧めするのは、「小さな地球の大きな世界」(J. ロックストロームら, 2018年, 丸善出版)です。この考え方を判りやすく説明している動画(日本語字幕付き)のリンクは以下のとおりです。
皆さん、開講までの時間は腰を落ち着かせて、多くの書物を読んで、視野を広げることができますように。決して、インターネット上で溢れ返る情報に振り回され、溺れることのないように。溢れる情報の中でも、疑わしいものを見分けて除き、出典が明らかで信頼できる情報や言論を選別するよう努めてください。そして、読んだ内容を “うのみ” にするのではなく、自分の中でいつも「疑問」を持つことを忘れないでください。自分で疑問を見つけ、それに対して自分で答えを出そうとする中で他の疑問を見つけ、それに答えを出そうとする。その繰り返しをするように努めましょう。そのようにして、卒業するまでの間に健全かつ建設的な批判精神を養うことができますように。
Dear students,
Welcome to the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies! I am very happy to have you in our school! Unfortunately, however, due to the coronavirus pandemic the start of the new semester has been delayed and we have to wait for some period to see and welcome face-to-face. It is hard time for everyone on earth. Nevertheless, I believe this period in which we are waiting before the start of the new semester can be valuable time to cast questions over the current global socio-economic system which heavily relies on globalization, which reveals its fragileness once a global shock such as the coronavirus occurs. I believe it is the time for us to think about paradigm shift from current global system towards resilient decentralized system. By doing this, you may find this perspective can also be applied to the context of Climate Crisis and Sustainability. It is partly because decentralization is one of the key words for climate change mitigation as well as adaptation. In the context of Climate Change, there would be very much to learn from how we address the coronavirus, since science indicates that climate crisis would bring about a number of infectious diseases expanding throughout the world, i.e. we have to be ready for facing the second or third “coronavirus” in future.
Please make the best of the days before the start of the new semester to read, read and read to think about these aspects. In doing this, please make sure you try to carefully select what you read. Otherwise, you may well drown in the “sea” of numerous unreliable online articles without scientific evidence, some of which is likely to be fake. Please try to select academically written article with clear indication of data source and referenced literature. Please try to be critical against what you read and, what’s more important, think about questions yourself, and try to answer them. In the process of answering it, you may face another question, which you also try to answer. Finding a question is one of the most important exercises in academics.
In order to deepen your thought about sustainability, it is important to understand the concept of “Planetary Boundary” which is developed by researchers of Stockholm Resilience Centre. Therefore, I would like to recommend a book named “Big World, Small Planet: Abundance within Planetary Boundaries” (Johan Rockstroem and Mattias Klum, 2015, Yale University Press). This concept is also well illustrated in YouTube. By reading and watching them, I hope you understand how serious the state of crisis is, how big impact human-being will have, and how important transformation of socio-economic system as well as our lifestyle is.
I know it is hard time for us all, but please let us keep thinking positively. The crisis of coronavirus will end at some point in future, and what we see at that time will be strong drive towards “GDP growth” which may well be in an unsustainable way and drive Climate Crisis. Therefore, we have to find an idealistic vision which we would like to see after the pandemic ends. I hope to work together to find it in our graduate school.
Please well take care of yourself. I am looking forward to seeing you!
Anne MCDONALD / あん・まくどなるど
(This Message will be updated later)
Akemi ORI / 織 朱實
Congratulations on your admission. I look forward to learning and studying environmental science together with you. Guidance has been postponed due to the spread of the corona virus, I am sure many of you are worried about what to do for two months before class. Think of these two months as a chance, in a sense, as a preparation period for you to do any further research. Be sure to deepen your knowledge of environmental issues during this time.
Here are recommendation books written in English and Japanese. Please read in the two months.
・松村・柳・荏原・小賀野・織 『ロースクール環境法』成文堂(2006)
・OECD、Waste Management and the Circular Economy in Selected OECD Countries - Evidence from Environmental Performance Reviews,2019
John Joseph PUTHENKALAM / ジョン ジョセフ プテンカラム
Welcome to Sophia University and to GES program.
In spite of Covid 19, we are glad you have come to join the program.
As we look forward to seeing you soon, please try to adjust to the new surroundings
and settle yourselves for the new academic semester with intensive readings of materials related to the issues of environment.
Details of my courses and seminars are available in my Home Page (http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/j-puthen/). Best wishes to all of you.
Shingo SHIBATA / 柴田晋吾
Welcome to Sophia University.
I sincerely wish your best luck of your health and research, in spite of the current unprecedented difficulty we never experienced before.
I offer two graduate-level courses in English and Japanese.
Environmental Resource Management Policy 環境資源管理政策 and Global Forest Conservation Policy 森林環境政策. In these lectures, you can learn essential knowledge on contemporary sustainable environmental policy making, such as collaborative decision making in order to balance our diverse needs on natural resources, and innovative market-based mechanisms like Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES). I will also offer seminars both in English and Japanese in autumn semester. We can learn on specific research topics of interest with a small number of students, through active mutual feedbacks. I also encourage field studies at Sophia Forest or other sites in the world.
For details of my education and research (and some reference materials), please look at my personal website, which should be linked to the school website. Here is URL of my personal website: https://shibatashingo.wixsite.com/mysite
Thank you.
Masachika SUZUKI / 鈴木政史
Congratulations on your entrance to our program! It has been a difficult time for everyone. It is unfortunate that we will not be able to meet and talk face to face this time. I hope that you are staying safe and healthy.
While we stay home, we have time to think individually what research topic to work on in coming two years. It might be a good opportunity for you to think what you want to do after two years - when you finish the program. Before the spring semester begins, therefore, I would suggest you to go on internet, explore possible research topics, and if possible, start reading academic journal articles of your interest. At the end of this message, I will list three books (one in Japanese and two in English) that may help you to understand corporate environmental management. The first one on the list (written in Japanese) is a good one for those who wish to learn a variety of environmental management issues for companies. This is a basic book but very well written for the students who have just begun to study environmental issues. The second one written in English is a relatively old book but it helps readers to understand corporate environmental strategies in a broad institutional context and setting. The third one in English is an introductory book to understand various research methods. This book could be a good starting point to learn and start to think what methods are available for your research. Other that these books, I would suggest finding books and academic articles on internet by using keywords of your interest such as ESG investment, technological and social innovation, renewable energy, eco-tourism, green marketing...etc. Good luck and I hope we can meet and talk soon!
- 「よくわかる環境経営」野村佐智代・佐久間信夫・鶴田佳史 編著 ミネルヴァ書房 2014年
- From Heresy to Dogma: An Institutional History of Corporate Environmentalism, Andrew J. Hoffman, Stanford Business Books, 2002.
- The Craft of Research, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T. Fitzgerald, University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Yoshinari TANAKA / 田中嘉成
To all new students of GENV, Sophia University
Congratulations on your admission! I look forward to learning and studying the environment issues together with you. In the usual year, through the entrance ceremony and guidance, we professors gave congratulations directly to new students, and explain how to study in the future at graduate school with providing concrete guidance on how to take courses and how to process thesis studies. Very unfortunately, due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the usual plan had to be canceled. For guidance, we are considering alternative measures so that you do not interfere with your future courses. The start of lectures in the spring semester will be postponed for more than one month, and some lectures will be even moved to the fall semester. I think there are some new students who worries about your academic activity. However, please take this opportunity to use your free time to find out and clarify what kind of environmental issues you are interested in and what kind of research you want to do. How about trying to deepen your research interest and knowledge. It is also a good idea to organize useful information through books and the internet before lectures. I will always accept consultations on environmental issues surrounding natural ecosystems and biodiversity (y-tanaka-fo5@sohia.ac.jp) while preparing a lecture of “Environmental Ecology”. Which sources are useful depends on your interests and your research themes. Don't hesitate to consult with professors close to your interests. Every teacher will be kindly responding to you. If you do not know their contact information, please ask it to the Graduate School (genv-co@sophia.ac.jp). Please be careful about your mental and physical condition and infection as well. I look forward to seeing you when it's completely warm at the latest.
Takahiro TSUGE / 柘植隆宏
Congratulation on your Admission. I also joined the faculty of GENV this April.
My research field is environmental economics which explores ways of balancing environmental conservation and economic development. Most environmental problems are due to our economic activities. I hope many of you will learn environmental economics, because knowledge of environmental economics can be useful in exploring solutions to environmental problems.
The followings are the reports on the economic aspects of climate change and biodiversity conservation that are major global environmental issues. You can see what the environmental economics approach is, so please read through them before the course starts.
・Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
・The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB)
I look forward to seeing you on campus.