CURRENT STUDENTS Getting to know GENV students

GENV Student Voices: Who are the students of GENV? Why did they apply to GENV?

We want you to get to know the students at GENV. Our student website working group team sent the word out to fellow students to share their voices with those of you who are interested in applying to GENV. By applying to GENV you will not only build your academic knowledge and expertise, but broaden your life experiences. Not to mention make new friends with a fantastic group of students from all around the world. What makes GENV such a great graduate school is not only the cutting-edge interdisciplinary program, but the students, people of different nationalities, knowledge and worldviews who share the common goal of becoming part of a growing number of professionals working together to solve environmental problems.

Meet some of our GENV students at GENV Student Voices.More

GENV ACTIVITIES: student perspectives

Outside of lectures what is being offered to increase knowledge and build capacity? At GENV students have the opportunity to participate in excursions to the field as part of their research seminar and lectures. Once a year students all students enrolled in GENV are taken on an all expenses paid trip to a field somewhere in Japan to further their knowledge and interact not only with professors and other students in the program, but meet environmental experts from different fields.

For more about these activities, written by students to give a first hand report from their perspectives and share with you how they think about these experiences go to, GENV activities: student perspectives.More