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安納 住子 (Sumiko ANNO)
教授 博士

〒102-8554 東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1



2016年『Gene-Environment Interaction Analysis - Methods in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology』Pan Stanford Publishing.(監修・共著)
2009年『Computational Biology: New Research』 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.(共著)2005年『人間を科学する事典』東京堂出版(共著)
2004年 Management Information Systems 2004: Incorporating GIS and Remote Sensing, WIT Press, (Coauthor), and others.
  1998年『21世紀・健康・世界 WHO編纂・世界保健報告』英伝社(翻訳分担)
1995年『協同組合と農民組織 –タイ・インド・日本-』筑波書房(共著・翻訳)他


Sumiko Anno, Takeshi Hara, Hiroki Kai, Yi Chang, Ming-An Lee, Kei Oyoshi, Yosei Mizukami, Takeo Tadono, Spatiotemporal dengue fever hotspots associated with climatic factors in Taiwan including outbreak predictions based on machine-learning, Geospatial Health,, Vol. 14, No. 771, Pp. 183-194, 2019. (査読有/Reviewed)

安納住子,山崎和博,改井洋樹,張懿,李明安,大吉慶,水上陽誠,田殿武雄,人工衛星データ×人工知能を応用したデング熱発生予測について,第30回日本医学会総会 2019 中部,学術講演要旨,Pp. 129,2019.(査読無)

Sumiko Anno, Takeshi Hara, Hiroki Kai, Yi Chang, Ming-An Lee, Kei Oyoshi, Yosei Mizukami, Takeo Tadono, Prediction of dengue fever outbreaks from satellite remote sensing data using deep learning, Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, Proceedings, Pp. 22, 2018.((Reviewed))

関晃伸,安納住子,開発・参加型GIS教育における性格別による学習上のつまずきの特徴の解明,土木学会論文集H(教育),Vol. 73,No. 1.Pp. 12-21, 2017.(査読有/Reviewed)

Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran, Space–time clustering characteristics of dengue based on ecological, socio-economic, and demographic factors in northern Sri Lanka, Geospatial Health, Vol. 10, No. 376, Pp. 215-222, 2015. ((Reviewed))

Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran, Assessing the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka using Remote Sensing Data, GIS and Statistical Analysis, Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing, Vol. 3, No. 4,Pp. 1-5,2014.((Reviewed))

安納住子,大島一彦,阿部貴志,田殿武雄,山本彩,五十嵐保,遺伝子工学・リモートセンシング・地理情報システムの技術を応用したヒトの環境適応能における遺伝-環境の相互作用解明への新研究法,日本生理人類学会誌, Vol. 19, No. 1,Pp. 13-18,2014. (査読有/Reviewed)

Sumiko Anno, Kazuhiko Ohshima, Takashi Abe, Takeo Tadono, Aya Yamamoto, Tamotsu Igarashi, Approaches to Detecting Gene-Environment Interactions in Human Variation Using Genetic Engineering, Remote Sensing and GIS, Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, Pp. 371-378, 2013.((Reviewed))

Raimondi S, Gandini S, Fargnoli MC, Bagnardi V, Maisonneuve P, Specchia C, Kumar R, Nagore E, Han J, Hansson J, Kanetsky PA, Ghiorzo P, Gruis NA, Dwyer T, Blizzard L, Fernandez-de-Misa R, Branicki W, Debniak T, Morling N, Landi MT, Palmieri G, Ribas G, Stratigos A, Cornelius L, Motokawa T, Anno S, Helsing P, Wong TH, Autier P, Garcia-Borron JC, Little J, Newton-Bishop J, Sera F, Liu F, Kayser M, Nijsten T, Study Group G., Melanocortin-1 receptor, skin cancer and phenotypic characteristics (M-SKIP) project: study design and methods for pooling results of genetic epidemiological studies, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12(1), Pp. 1-16. 2012.((Reviewed))

安納住子,大島一彦,阿部貴志,SNP解析によって明らかにされたハプロタイプ構造に基づくヒト皮膚色候補遺伝子の自然選択検出の可能性,日本生理人類学会誌, Vol. 16, No. 2,Pp. 99-102,2011. (査読有/Reviewed)

Sumiko Anno, Kazuhiko Ohshima, and Takashi Abe, Approaches to understanding adaptations of skin color variation by detecting gene-environment interactions, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, Vol. 10, No. 8, Pp. 987-991, 2010.((Reviewed))

S. Kannathasan, A. Antonyrajan, N.D. Karunaweera, S. Anno, S.N. Surendran, Identification of potential malaria risk areas of the Jaffna district of northern Sri Lanka: A GIS approach, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, Vol. 37, No. 3, Pp. 223-225, 2009. ((Reviewed))

Sumiko Anno, Takashi Abe, Takushi Yamamoto, Interactions between SNP Alleles at Multiple Loci Contribute to Skin Color Differences between Caucasoid and Mongoloid Subjects, International Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pp. 81-86, 2008.((Reviewed))

安納住子,阿部貴志,山本卓志,コーカソイドおよびモンゴロイドの皮膚色の違いに関与する多遺伝子座のSNP 対立遺伝子の組み合わせについて,日本生理人類学会誌,Vol. 13, No. 1,Pp. 1-7,2008. (査読有/Reviewed)

Sumiko Anno, Takashi Abe, Koichi Sairyo, Susumu Kudo, Takushi Yamamoto,Koretsugu Ogata, and Vijay K. Goel, Interactions between SNP Alleles at Multiple Loci Contribute to Variation in Skin Pigmentation in 122 Caucasians, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Vol.3, Pp. 169?178, 2007.((Reviewed))

安納住子,阿部貴志,西良浩一,工藤奨,山本卓志,緒方是嗣,Vijay K. Goel,多遺伝子座におけるSNP対立遺伝子の相互作用が及ぼすヒトの皮膚色の多様性について,日本生理人類学会誌, Vol. 12, No. 1,Pp. 1-10,2007. (査読有/Reviewed), 他/and others.

最近の学会発表, 招聘講演

安納住子,山崎和博,改井洋樹,張懿,李明安,大吉慶,水上陽誠,田殿武雄,人工衛星データ×人工知能を応用したデング熱発生予測について,第30回日本医学会総会 2019 中部,愛知県名古屋市,2019.(招待講演・市民公開講座/Invitation lecture)

Sumiko Anno, Kazuhiro Yamasaki, Hiroki Kai, Yi Chang, Ming-An Lee, Kei Oyoshi, Yosei Mizukami, Takeo Tadono, Predicting the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreaks in Taiwan using deep learning techniques and remote sensing data, The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2018, Tokyo, Japan, January 21-25, 2019.

Sumiko Anno, Takeshi Hara, Hiroki Kai, Yi Chang, Ming-An Lee, Kei Oyoshi, Yosei Mizukami, Takeo Tadono, Deep learning applications for predicting dengue fever outbreak, EuroSciCon Conference on Environmental Science & Technology, Vienna, Austria, March 29-31, 2018.

Sumiko Anno, Takeshi Hara, Hiroki Kai, Yi Chang, Ming-An Lee, Kei Oyoshi, Yosei Mizukami, Takeo Tadono, Predicting dengue fever outbreaks in Taiwan using deep learning techniques and remote sensing data, The Joint PI Meeting of Global Environment Observation Mission FY2017, Tokyo, Japan, January 22-25, 2018.

吉里光喜,安納住子,Twitterのつぶやきデータおよび機械学習による地震予測の可能性について,日本地震予知学会 第5回学術講演会,東京都港区,2018.


池田琢人,吉里光喜,安納住子,地震予知に関するCGM 利用の可能性および信頼性の検証,CSIS DAYS 2017「全国共同利用研究発表大会」,千葉県柏市,2017.

Sumiko Anno, Ming-An Lee, Kuan-Tsung Chang, Yi Chang, Takeo Tadono, Kei Oyoshi, Hiroki Kai, Yusuke Kobayashi, and Tamotsu Igarashi, Hot spot detection and spatiotemporal dispersion of dengue fever in Taiwan associated with meteorological, environmental and demographic factors, 2016 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Yilan, Taiwan, June 25-27, 2017.

Sumiko Anno, Ming-An Lee, Kuan-Tsung Chang, Yi Chang, Takeo Tadono, Kei Oyoshi, Hiroki Kai, Yusuke Kobayashi, and Tamotsu Igarashi, A Comprehensive Study of Dengue Fever Outbreaks in Taiwan Using Remote Sensing, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Big Data, and Open Data, The 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), Matsuyama, Ehime, June 3-9, 2017.

Sumiko Anno, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Yusuke Kobayashi, Naoki Kobayashi, Ming-An Lee, Framework for the application of remote sensing, unmanned aircraft systems, geographic information systems, cloud computing, and a social networking service to early dengue fever intervention and heat stroke control measures, 2016 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.

Takeo Tadono, Sumiko Anno, Ming-An Lee, Yusuke Kobayashi, Tamotsu Igarashi, Earth observation toward applications of the public health: A case study for dengue in southern Taiwan, 2016 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.




Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran, Remote Sensing Applied for a Study of Space Time Geographical Pathology for the Relationships Between Dengue Endemic in Northern Sri Lanka and Ecological, Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors, The 2nd PI Workshop for ALOS-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, November 18-20, 2015.

Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran, Spatial-Temporal Epidemiology of the Dengue Outbreak in the Northern Region of Sri Lanka, 2010-2013, The 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), the 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC) & the 6th Nano-Satellite Symposium (NSAT), Kobe, Hyogo, July 4-10, 2015.

Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran, Retrospective space-time cluster analysis of dengue in the northern region of Sri Lanka: remote sensing and GIS based case study, 2015 ICEO&SI and ICLEI Resilience Forum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2015.(Invitation lecture)

Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran, Spatial-Temporal Clustering Characteristics of Dengue in the Northern Region of Sri Lanka, 2010-2013, The ICGIS 2015: 17th International Conference on Geographic Information Systems, Paris, France, May 18-19, 2015.

Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran, Characterization of the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Dengue Epidemic in Northern Sri Lanka, ISPRS Technical Commission VIII Symposium, Hyderabad, India, December 9?12, 2014.

Sumiko Anno, Keiji Imaoka, Takeo Tadono, Tamotsu Igarashi, Subramaniam Sivaganesh, Selvam Kannathasan, Vaithehi Kumaran, Sinnathamby Noble Surendran Remote Sensing Applied to the Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Dengue Incidence Based on Ecological and Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors in Sri Lanka, The 12th Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, Bali, Indonesia, November 4-7, 2014, and others.