The Journal of Global Environmental Studies

Digital Version of the Journal Global Environmental Studies Now Available

The Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GENV) was established in April 2005 as an independent graduate school founded on inter-disciplinary approaches to academia and research. Since the first graduating class of 2007, our graduates have gone on to pursue diverse careers in the environmental field, both in Japan and internationally.

To ensure the work of our graduates is shared with incoming students to our graduate school, other researchers of global environmental studies and those from civil society interested in environmental issues, GENV initiated the Journal of Global Environmental Studies in 2007. To commemorate the school’s 10th year anniversary, GENV will begin publishing a digital version of the journal. Students’ work from both the Japanese and International program will now be available in a timely manner and GENV hopes their work contributes to furthering environmental dialogues and our understanding of the complex environmental challenges our global society faces.

Regarding journal access, the digital version can be accessed from computers on campus.

The Journal of Global Environmental Studies

Issue No. 19 (published March 2024)

  Title Name
No.1 Analyzing Consumer Perception of Sustainability: A Case Study of Greenwashed Food Products in the U.S. SHIRAKAWA ELIZABETH MARIE
No.2 Effects of Trophic Mismatch Under Climate Change on Arctic Shorebirds: A Case Study in Utqiaġvik, Alaska 山本 聖士
No.3* 営農型太陽光発電の普及における地域金融機関の役割 河津 紫音
No.4* 多摩川における増水前後のプラスチック汚染実態の比較分析 WEN ZONGHAN
No.5* 企業のESGパフォーマンスに影響を与える要因について: 日本企業の脱炭素化に向けた施策と環境パフォーマンスの関係 安本 豐勝
No.6 EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) Challenges in Cambodia Plastic Waste Management: Post-Vietnam Plastic Waste Import Ban PHEAP SOVANVICHILY
No.7* 奄美大島マングローブ林におけるCO2吸収量推定及び生息環境分析 JI JIANING
No.8* 住民の幸福度と都市の持続可能性に関する研究: 47都道府県のデータ分析評価に基づいた経済・社会・環境の関連性について 宗 美波
No.9* エネルギーの地産地消に向けた再生可能エネルギー事業化に影響する要因分析: 質的比較分析(QCA)によるアプローチ CAI MENGYANG
No.10* 国際水素サプライチェーンの経済性評価と二酸化炭素排出量の比較: ASEANから日本への水素サプライチェーン想定 YUE YUAN
No.11 Exploring the Effectiveness of Internal Carbon Pricing: Do Corporate Voluntary Actions for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accelerate Decarbonization? 髙波 翼
No.12* 海城における藻場造成の意義 村松 真伎

*written in Japanese

Past issues: